Sex has always been a subject that is considered taboo by polite society. Being a highly sexed person has been seen as a curse. Religions have always made sex to seem as if its a curse or something to fear and suppress. Sex is a force that creates life. Most people think of sex as just that, however sex creates more than life. Sex is a force that if used correctly can make a person manifest their deepest desires through their creative genius. The creative genius is the god factor/universe which resides in all of us. When we tap into that creative genius we can manifest things on the biggest scale. Some people reading this might say “ I always manifest with sex’’ People typically do this by having an orgasm and although I think those people may manifest small forms of desires they will never manifest something on a large scale. The key to big scale manifestation is to REFRAIN FROM ORGASM! Now this requires a lot of will power (solar plexus chakra). When one refrains from sex the sexaul energy gets redistributed to the creative genius. That creative genius than gives you ideas in the mind to create something that will change the world or at least your own world/reality. Sexual energy that creates life when a man and woman have intercouse shows how powerful sexual energy is. Instead of creating life with your sexual energy use that tickling of that area and in your minds eye picture that tickle going up the body and into the mind where it will continue to build on the creative genius. There are several other ways to using these techniques to manifest but in order to not confuse you. Ill reframe for talking about those for now.


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