John chang Mo Pai Nei Kung
“John chang” was made popular by a documentary called Ring or Fire. A documentary exploring Indonesia. The Blair brothers who created the documentary spent over two decades documenting the relationships between island ecology and their peoples. In part of the documentary “john chang” was introduced, he was a healer and used acupuncture along with qi otherwise known as chi or prana. Which is a circulating life force that can be harness with proper training. There are many techniques to this qi , john chang used a training called mo pai nei kung which was taught in levels. A man named Jim Mcmillan was an american who was a student of john chang and spoke much about this subject unfortunately they both have pasted and since the school no longer accepts westerners its very difficult to learn this form harnessing the qi life force. I suggest watching the documentary if you are interested in this form of life force harnessing. There are several masters who teach it, Although i know a few they would not allow me to give their names as a lot of these schools and teachers are very private about their schools especially to westerners. I will soon start teaching about qi as i am traveling to china to join a school.