The Lower Dantian
Location: The lower dantian is located about 2 finger-widths below the navel.
Energy Signature: Jing – vital essence, seed.
Function: The lower dantian is the original source of energy. It is the center of gravity in the body, both bio energetically and biomechanically. It is also the center of instinct and intuition.
The Middle Dantian
Location: The middle dantian is located in the heart center area in the center of the body
Energy Signature: Qi – vitality, subtle breath
Function: Associated with respiration and the health of the inner organs, physically manifesting as proper circulation of oxygen and blood, helping to oxygenate and detoxify the body. In Daoist inner alchemy, it is referred to as the area where qi is refined to shen energy. It is also the center of emotion.
The Upper Dantian
Location: – The upper dantian is located in the forehead area and the middle of the head
Energy Signature: Shen – spirit, soul, mind, supernatural being
Function: Energy of mind and spirit. Energy of intention, and mental abilities. This datian is also referred to as the third eye, which provides wisdom and clarity. It is also known as the area that transmutes shen energy into “wu wei”, the energy of spontaneity, emptiness, or pure potentiality.
The 3 dantians vs the Chakras
The study of the chakras comes from the Ancient Hindu science of life, Ayurveda. Buddhists also follow the chakra system. Both Hindu and Buddhist sacred texts refer to the 3 dantains as the Granthi. The Granthi are 3 energetic or psychic knots that need to be untied, unwound and unbound before awakening can occur. The Granthi are 3 energetic or psychic knots that need to be untied, unwound and unbound before awakening can occur.