Spiritual Possession

There are 2 types of Spiritual Possession. One is an entity which influences the thoughts of a person Edgar Cayce called these Discarnate entities. That subject will be left for another post. The second type of possession is thought form possession. A thought form is an idea which a person creates that completely takes over your programing. Your programming is what we call the personality/ego which is similar to what Cayce talks about in entity possession which influences a person’s thoughts

A thought form that has caused a virus in your programing by taking over causes symptoms. Some of these symptoms I talk about in Though Form blog.

Acting erratic or strange, anxiety/depression, phasing in and out of yourself or reality (depersonalization/derealization) much like when you see actors or famous artist acting strange or weird is bc they have caused a powerful thought form which caused a personality split. The new programming has caused a hostile takeover. Most of the time, not always these hostile takeovers are caused by intense trauma. Trauma causes splits in the personality/ego of a person. When you visit our shop we will help rid these hostile takeovers through a series of meditations which will require you to give over complete control not only of this attachment/thought form but to relax the mind so that you can release that possesion in a loving way and make peace with it.


Thought forms


Remembering Your True Self